My dears,
You know it will be a good day when as i am typing this i have just finished a bruggers bagel, i have coffee on the table in front of me, im waiting to here back on an anthology submission, and i am still sitting in the bagel shop writing this.
As we speak my dark ones i am waiting to hear the fate of my story "My Favorite Animal" which i submitted to Fearology 2. I know i will be waiting awhile as the deadline was ;last night and the editor informed us that he received 143 submissions of which i am 1. But im still excited if i make the cut this will be my first paid anthology and my first contributers copy :)
My other exciting news is that Ghosts and Demons is now being edited and will be sent to the printers this week! I don't care which book finishes first to be frank i just want one of them to bring to school with me and to start off my shelf with.
So my dear dark ones, do any of you have writing routines or a favorite place to write? i rally like writing here and the bagel/coffee shop but i do most of my writing at home and when i head back to school i will have to find a place to write or create a corner of my room into my writing space. Also do any of you eat as you write? or is it strictly writing for you?