So I thought I would start off my first day on this schedule to actually tell you a bit about my writing history. :)
I have been writing on and off my whole life, well sense I could write anyway. I went to a middle and grade school that put a lot of emphasis on writing, both creative and academic. We had a guy in our school that came I think about once a week. His name was Word Man, he always said "Show, don't tell" Back then I wrote a lot of poems and I had one published when I was in 7th grade I think.
Once I got to high school I wrote a little bit, mainly fantasy back then, some of it is on elfwood. After that I kind of just stopped writing, I'm not entirely sure why.
I kept tabs on a friend from elfwood the lovely Emma Kathryn :) She offered me a lot of advice and answered all of my questions most graciously and I will always be in her debt. Once I went to college i started to think about getting my name out in the writing world. She introduced me to anthology writing and blogging too actually. Because of her I found Static Movement and the lovely Chris Bartholomew. and Pill Hill Press and the lovely Jessy :)
So thank you Emma!
From there I have been published in 6 books, so far. All horror. I am also currently working on a novel which has no name yet. If you have any questions about writing or me please ask so I have topics :)
Have a wonderful day dearies!